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Participatory Budget
in the City of Rybnik

Słowo od prezydenta

Dear residents of Rybnik,

For the eleventh time you can decide what part of the budget of the city of Rybnik will be spent on. In this edition it is a record amount of over PLN 5,700,000. Thanks to the Participatory Budget, you have the opportunity to report your ideas and a chance to implement them.

Giving you part of the city budget, I am convinced that it will be rightly issued, and the created investments, projects and activities in various areas of social, cultural and educational life will allow you to meet your needs and expectations.

I cordially encourage you to actively join the Participatory Budget - creating good projects, and then to participate in voting and choosing the best proposals. The Participatory Budget is an opportunity to change your immediate surroundings, so I encourage you to act creatively!

Piotr Kuczera
President of City Rybnik

What good to know about the Participatory Budget?

What is the Participatory Budget?

This is a separate part of the budget of the City of Rybnik, the purpose of which will be decided by the residents in a vote. PLN 5,711,000 is available for 2024.

What does the participation give?

You have the ability to directly decide what the funds from the city budget will be spent on. You have a real chance to realize your own ideas and change the image of your surroundings. This is your contribution to the development of the city!

Who can participate?

Every resident of the City of Rybnik can participate in the participatory budget process.

How to get involved in the Participatory Budget?

You can submit your own project.
Learn how to submit a project

You can vote for the best projects in your opinion.
Check how to vote

Why should you be
involved in the life of your city?

You and your neighbors and friends can change your surroundings thanks to the idea of the Participatory Budget.
Together you can implement your own ideas to create a city of your dreams.

Sample actions

founded by participatory budget

Renovation of streets and sidewalks

Construction of bicycle paths, playgrounds

Recreational activities, outdoor workshops, concerts

Modernization of green areas

Realization map

Map of projects chosen
for realization in previous years

See the map


Information and education campaign

From 17.08.2023

Submission of proposals

From 29.08.2023
until 04.09.2023

Verification and evaluation of submitted projects

From 05.09.2023
until 12.09.2023

Announcement of projects for voting

until 20.09.2023


From 14.09.2023
until 28.09.2023

Voting results

until 06.10.2023

Check which project won

The budget step by step

See more information about the Participatory Budget program

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